
By Phil Frilling, 30 May, 2017
Today we noticed a weird error where our CMS software was unable to write files to the server. Upon investigating, it appears the /tmp directory filled up the hard drive, which prevented file writes to the server. We rebooted the server and it took 20-30 minutes to reboot. The AWS boot logs were saying: "A start job is running for Create Volatile files and directories" As it turns out, the /tmp directory is only cleared on reboot.


By Phil Frilling, 26 August, 2013
We are running an Ubuntu 12.04 server with the Aegir hosting system and recently upgraded the server software with apt-get. The next day we noticed that the cron queue wasn't running, so we began to investigate. It turns out that the Drush package for Ubuntu had recently been upgraded to Drush 5.9.1, which is incompatible with Aegir 1.x version. So, after some searching, we downgraded the drush package by searching the apt-cache for the previous version of Drush.
By Phil Frilling, 20 March, 2013
Today I learned a lesson the hard way: never stop networking when your only access to a server is via ssh.

What happened

One of the websites we were hosting stopped responding on its dedicated IP address. As we began to investigate, we found nothing wrong with the server load, nothing wrong with the apache configuration. We were using aegir, and re-verified the site and everything was successful. Next, we typed the dedicated IP into the browser and the browser just spun.