
By Phil Frilling, 20 June, 2017
Upgrading an inventory of three servers using ansible, I can use the following command to make this happen:

ansible -i Inventory -m apt -a "upgrade=yes update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=86400" -b -B 3600 all
This command does the following: 1. Use the inventory file named "Inventory" 2. Run the Ansible module "apt" 3. Run the ad-hoc command for the apt module "upgrade=yes update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=86400" 4. The -b makes the user become sudo. 5.
By Phil Frilling, 26 August, 2013
We are running an Ubuntu 12.04 server with the Aegir hosting system and recently upgraded the server software with apt-get. The next day we noticed that the cron queue wasn't running, so we began to investigate. It turns out that the Drush package for Ubuntu had recently been upgraded to Drush 5.9.1, which is incompatible with Aegir 1.x version. So, after some searching, we downgraded the drush package by searching the apt-cache for the previous version of Drush.