
By Phil Frilling, 3 September, 2013
I was setting up a static mobile website for a Drupal site that was installed within the Aegir hosting environment today. We had been given a static mobile version of the website to load. So, we added the mobile site to a directory within our theme and we needed to setup an alias for this site.
By Phil Frilling, 26 August, 2013
We are running an Ubuntu 12.04 server with the Aegir hosting system and recently upgraded the server software with apt-get. The next day we noticed that the cron queue wasn't running, so we began to investigate. It turns out that the Drush package for Ubuntu had recently been upgraded to Drush 5.9.1, which is incompatible with Aegir 1.x version. So, after some searching, we downgraded the drush package by searching the apt-cache for the previous version of Drush.
By Phil Frilling, 9 April, 2012
Today I had the pleasure of launching a new Drupal 7 website into the Aegir hosting platform. However, I quickly discovered that migrating a Drupal 6 site and a Drupal 7 site, while similar, are really quite different.

The beginning

The website we were moving was built on a standard Drupal 7 installation on our development server. So the modules and themes were stored in the "sites/all/" directory and the files were stored in the "sites/default/files" directory.
By Phil Frilling, 14 December, 2011
In a related note to the backup restore that I performed yesterday, I decided to run the script provided by First, I downloaded the script to my restored EC2 instance wget -O '' Next I logged in as the Aegir user and ran the script per the instructions: su -s /bin/sh aegir -c "sh" The status message displayed ment
By Phil Frilling, 13 December, 2011
Today I had the unfortunate need to get a restored database from an Amazon EBS snapshot. To do this I logged into the Amazon AWS management console and determined which snapshot I needed to restore from. Once I highlighted the correct snapshot, I clicked the 'Create Volume' button. Next, I chose which availability zone the snapshot should reside in and click 'Create' Next, I spun up a new instance of the production server, using the same AMI (ami-294aa340).