Get the Aegir Platform path when editing a vhost

Profile picture for user Phil Frilling
By Phil Frilling, 3 September, 2013
I was setting up a static mobile website for a Drupal site that was installed within the Aegir hosting environment today. We had been given a static mobile version of the website to load. So, we added the mobile site to a directory within our theme and we needed to setup an alias for this site. To accomplish this we created a new file within the .drush folder and added the following code:

function MYSITE_provision_apache_vhost_config($uri, $data) {
  if ($uri == ''){
    $mobile_path = d()->site_path . '/themes/MY-THEME-PATH/mobile-directory';
    return array(
      '# Mobile site alias setup',
      'Alias /mobile-site ' . $mobile_path,
      '  DirectoryIndex index.php',
      '# End mobile site alias',  

The key here is the
which will return the platform path that the current site is installed in. So, we won't need to update this whenever the platform changes. References: -