drupal 7

By Phil Frilling, 25 July, 2012
Today I needed to add the newest version of jQuery (1.7) to a custom Drupal 7 theme that I was building. I initially used the jQuery Update module and hacked the replaced version of jQuery with the version I needed. I know, this was not the best practice, but this was a rush job and I was in a hurry (don't hack the core, or any contributed modules for that matter!). Everything was working fine until I wanted to add a new field to a content type and the form quit working in the admin overlay, which was using the Seven theme.
By Phil Frilling, 12 June, 2012
We had a Drupal 7 site setup with a default calendar instance that was displaying content of type 'event'. Due to the limited number of events this site would promote, it was decided to change the navigation from the standard 'Next/Previous' to use drop down menus where the user could choose the month/year they wanted to view.

The original look

Steps to accomplish this

Step 1

First, get your view setup to match the original.
By Phil Frilling, 31 May, 2012
Today's project required me to fine tune Drupal's standard book module. Basically, I needed to limit the choices in the 'Book Outline' area to only display books that the user was the author of. Unfortunately, Drupal's default permissions don't allow for this. Either the user can administer all outlines or none, nothing in between.

Form Alter to the Rescue

So I created a custom module with a hook_form_alter() function and started inspecting the $form variable. The book outline form options are keyed with the node id, which I can use to check the author.
By Phil Frilling, 4 May, 2012
I'm currently building a website that has a three columned layout. The left most column contains the navigation elements, the center column contains the body, and the right side column contains supporting text for the article. So I created three block regions in my theme: left_sidebar, content, and right_sidebar. The problem I ran into was that the text in the right side column was different for every node. Having the user create a separate block for each node seemed very inefficient.
By Phil Frilling, 12 April, 2012
Today I needed to import about 2000 user accounts into a new Drupal 7 database. To do this I decided to use the Feeds module which includes a Feeds Import module. Perfect! First, I went to the feeds admin interface and setup the import by mapping all of my fields to the .csv. Next, I opened Excel and generated my spreadsheet. Once that was completed I saved the spreadsheet as a .csv file and tried to import. The form returned with the following message "0 users created". WTF!
By Phil Frilling, 9 April, 2012
Today I had the pleasure of launching a new Drupal 7 website into the Aegir hosting platform. However, I quickly discovered that migrating a Drupal 6 site and a Drupal 7 site, while similar, are really quite different.

The beginning

The website we were moving was built on a standard Drupal 7 installation on our development server. So the modules and themes were stored in the "sites/all/" directory and the files were stored in the "sites/default/files" directory.