Today I was setting up a shopping cart with Ubercart and Drupal 7 and I noticed that I was getting two registration emails. One from the Drupal user module that said:
USERNAME, Thank you for registering at SITE_NAME. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser: http://SITE_URL/user/reset/169/1344015675/vo2a354aGJd7ipVI8YKlTgetVEu65k3jW9P9nkxoynQ This link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. After setting your password, you will be able to log in at http://SITE_URL/user in the future using: username: USERNAME password: Your password -- SITE_NAME teamThis was fine except that the order confirmation email that got sent contained the normal order information and the new username / password, which was confusing our users.
An account has been created for you with the following details: Username: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD
How to disable the default registration email notification
Here's how to stop the registration email from being sent. Using hook_mail_alter(), we can intercept the message and prevent it from being sent. (
function MYMODULE_mail_alter(&$message){
if ($message['id'] == 'user_register_no_approval_required') {
watchdog('My Module Name', 'registration email not sent.');
$message['send'] = FALSE;