responsive design

By Phil Frilling, 12 June, 2014
Drupal's calendar module is a great tool for building calendars quickly with views. However, the default theme is still using tables, blech! After some searching, I came across a sandbox module to fix this, Like some of the user's in that thread, I did not want to add another module to my site. So, I set off to theme the calendar in a responsive way. Surprisingly, this was much easier than I anticipated.
By Phil Frilling, 10 July, 2013
Today I needed to embed a YouTube video within the body of a responsive design. This is usually fairly easy with images, but iFrames need a bit of extra love to make them work. I Googled for a while and came across this link: I didn't want to use an image, so I followed the comments and came up with the following code.