
By Phil Frilling, 18 June, 2012
In order to run a Drush Script from a cron job, you'll need to setup a valid Drush Site Alias. Otherwise, cron will not bootstrap the site correctly and you'll be missing most of Drupal's API functions.
By Phil Frilling, 15 June, 2012
We have a website that updates numerous nodes nightly with an uploaded XML file. This XML file is then processed with Drupal's batch api, and when the XML file is uploaded manually, the script works perfectly. However, in real life, this XML file is uploaded programmatically by a script running on another server. Programmatically, the file gets uploaded and the batch begins properly, but on the successive redirects, the batch fails. This is because, the pseudo browser window from our publishing script closes.

Drush to the rescue

Luckily we have Drush installed on the server.
By Phil Frilling, 14 December, 2011
In a related note to the backup restore that I performed yesterday, I decided to run the upgrade.sh script provided by community.aegir.com. First, I downloaded the script to my restored EC2 instance wget -O upgrade.sh 'http://drupalcode.org/project/provision.git/blob_plain/refs/tags/6.x-1.6:/upgrade.sh.txt' Next I logged in as the Aegir user and ran the uprade.sh script per the instructions: su -s /bin/sh aegir -c "sh upgrade.sh" The status message displayed ment