
By Phil Frilling, 21 December, 2011
Today I was researching some modules for a large project that I am working on and I came across the Context module. This module allows you to setup different conditions and add/remove content from the theme. For example, if I wanted an entire block region removed from a members only region of my site, I would setup my condition to be 'intranet*'. Then, I would set my 'Reactions' to remove the proper template regions from the theme. Pretty badass!.
By Phil Frilling, 14 December, 2011
In a related note to the backup restore that I performed yesterday, I decided to run the upgrade.sh script provided by community.aegir.com. First, I downloaded the script to my restored EC2 instance wget -O upgrade.sh 'http://drupalcode.org/project/provision.git/blob_plain/refs/tags/6.x-1.6:/upgrade.sh.txt' Next I logged in as the Aegir user and ran the uprade.sh script per the instructions: su -s /bin/sh aegir -c "sh upgrade.sh" The status message displayed ment
By Phil Frilling, 13 December, 2011
Today I had the unfortunate need to get a restored database from an Amazon EBS snapshot. To do this I logged into the Amazon AWS management console and determined which snapshot I needed to restore from. Once I highlighted the correct snapshot, I clicked the 'Create Volume' button. Next, I chose which availability zone the snapshot should reside in and click 'Create' Next, I spun up a new instance of the production server, using the same AMI (ami-294aa340).
By Phil Frilling, 1 November, 2011
Today I had the challenge of generating a view that needed to filter results based on the date/time a node was created. More specifically, I needed to filter bowling stats for a season. Easy, right? The problem I ran into is that the bowling season doesn't begin and end in the same year. So using an argument to only grab nodes created in 2011 didn't work. I needed the view to grab nodes between July, 2010 through July, 2011. Initially I experimented with Views Date Range.