We are working on an Ubercart store running Drupal 7 and we needed to add the price per unit to the shopping cart page. I didn't see any options for enabling this in the store administration area so I began looking for some code to make this happen. I came across this post, http://pixeljets.com/blog/adding-price-field-ubercart-cart-page, which was close to what I needed, but I figured there was a theme function I could use instead of a custom module. After searching the code of the uc_cart module I finally came across the theme function the cart page uses: theme_tapir_table!
The following lines of code from the complete function below accomplish task. Basically, we do the following steps:- Add the unit_price column to the #columns array
- Change the weights of the 'quantity' and 'total' columns to push them to the far right of the table.
- Loop through each row in the table and add the sell_price to the unit_price column for the row. The sell_price is stored in the $variables array keyed by the position in the table.
// Add the unit price to the $element['#columns'] array.
$element['#columns']['unit_price'] = array(
'cell' => t('Unit Price'),
'weight' => 3,
// Change the weights of the qty and total columns.
$element['#columns']['qty']['weight'] = 4;
$element['#columns']['total']['weight'] = 5;
// Loop through each row and if the entity exists in the variables array,
foreach ($element['#rows'] as $position => $data) {
if (isset($element[$position]['#entity']->sell_price)) {
$element['#rows'][$position]['unit_price'] = array(
'#markup' => uc_currency_format($element[$position]['#entity']->sell_price),
The final results
The Full Code
function MYTHEME_tapir_table($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
// Add the unit price to the $element['#columns'] array.
$element['#columns']['unit_price'] = array(
'cell' => t('Unit Price'),
'weight' => 3,
// Change the weights of the qty and total columns.
$element['#columns']['qty']['weight'] = 4;
$element['#columns']['total']['weight'] = 5;
foreach ($element['#rows'] as $position => $data) {
if (isset($element[$position]['#entity']->sell_price)) {
$element['#rows'][$position]['unit_price'] = array(
'#markup' => uc_currency_format($element[$position]['#entity']->sell_price),
$header = array();
$rows = array();
// First sort the columns by weight.
uasort($element['#columns'], 'uc_weight_sort');
// Loop through the columns and create the header array.
foreach ($element['#columns'] as $col_id => $col_data) {
// Add the cell if available.
if (!isset($col_data['access']) || $col_data['access'] !== FALSE) {
$header[] = $col_data['cell'];
// Loop through the row data and create rows with the data in the right order.
foreach ($element['#rows'] as $data) {
$attributes = array();
$row = array();
// Loop through each column in the header.
foreach ($element['#columns'] as $col_id => $col_data) {
// If this row defines cell data for the current column...
if ((!isset($col_data['access']) || $col_data['access'] !== FALSE) && isset($data[$col_id])) {
$cell = array();
if (isset($data[$col_id]['#cell_attributes']) && is_array($data[$col_id]['#cell_attributes'])) {
foreach ($data[$col_id]['#cell_attributes'] as $property => $value) {
if ($property == 'colspan' && $value == 'full') {
// Extend full-width cells to the number of columns actually
// displayed.
$value = count($header);
$cell[$property] = $value;
$cell['data'] = drupal_render($data[$col_id]);
else {
$cell = drupal_render($data[$col_id]);
// Add it to the row array.
$row[] = $cell;
// Merge the row data into a single row array along with the attributes.
if (isset($data['#attributes'])) {
$row = array_merge(array('data' => $row), (array)$data['#attributes']);
// Add the current row to the table rows array.
$rows[] = $row;
// Return the rendered table.
$options = array(
'header' => $header,
'rows' => $rows,
if (isset($element['#attributes'])) {
$options['attributes'] = (array)$element['#attributes'];
if (isset($element['#title'])) {
$options['caption'] = $element['#title'];
return theme('table', $options) . drupal_render_children($element);