Today I needed to take the parent menu item from my primary links and add it to the beginning of my secondary menu links. To begin, my menu structure looks like this:
- Primary 1
- Primary 2
- Secondary 2.1
- Secondary 2.2
- Secondary 2.3
- Primary 3
Default Menu Setup
The $main_menu variable will print a list item with:- Primary 1
- Primary 2
- Primary 3
- Secondary 2.1
- Secondary 2.2
- Secondary 2.3
What I Need
When a user clicks on the 'Primary 2' link, I wanted the $secondary_menu to display this:- Primary 2
- Secondary 2.1
- Secondary 2.2
- Secondary 2.3
To accomplish this I used the template_preprocess_page() function to check the $main_menu for the active trail. Then I merged the active trail array item with the $secondary_menu variable. The code looks like this:
function MYTHEME_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// Find the main menu with the active-trail in the key.
$active = preg_grep("/active-trail/", array_keys($vars['main_menu']));
// If the active-trail key was found.
if(sizeof($active)) {
// Get the returned key from the preg_grep() function earlier.
$active_key = array_shift($active);
// Create a new array with our active key and the same information as the primary links.
$active_menu = array($active_key => $vars['main_menu'][$active_key]);
// Combine our $active_menu array with the $secondary_menu.
$vars['secondary_menu'] = array_merge($active_menu, $vars['secondary_menu']);